jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Sharon Stone naked pictures cause controversy

Actress Sharon Stone is garnering both praise and criticism for its physico - emotional completely naked and in the September issue of Harper 's Bazaar.
Sharon Stone reveals everything has perfect images of actress naked -only 57 with design- shoes and jewelry. The images accompany an article in which he recounts his struggle to revive his career after a cerebral hemorrhage in 2001.
He said that the experience taught him to take advantage of aspects of their identity than their sex appeal, culminating in his latest project, Agent X, a new TNT series in which he plays the vice president of the United States.
"I thought, 'You know what? I threw the bullet train, and now I'll have to climb a hill of broken glass , '" he told the journalist Christopher Bagley.

The article notes that Stone maintains a more than two decades after its first appearance in Playboy "frank approach to sex appeal" in a bid to boost his career.
"Todo el mundo me dijo que no era sexy y que no podría conseguir empleos por ello", recuerda.
Dio sus frutos, y saltó a la fama en 1992, de la mano de la seductora Catherine Trammel, en Instinto Básico.
Siguió con el papel de la esposa de un gángster en Casino, de 1995, recibiendo una nominación al Oscar a la Mejor actriz y un Globo de Oro a la Mejor interpretación dramática por una actriz.
Después, una hemorragia cerebral en 2001 la dejó tartamudeando, cojeando y sin ser capaz de leer leer. Su matrimonio y su carrera se deterioraron mientras luchaba para recuperarse físicamente. Instinto Básico 2 fue un fracaso, y una serie de meteduras de pata en público la hicieron blanco de programas de chistes y protagonista en los tabloides.

En el lado positivo, dice, "me volví más inteligente emocionalmente. Elegí trabajar muy duro para abrir otras partes de mi mente. Ahora soy más fuerte."
Todavía no tiene miedo de aprovechar su atractivo sexual.
"Soy consciente de que mi trasero se parece a una bolsa de panqueques", dijo. "Pero yo no estoy tratando de tener el mejor de aspecto del mundo. En un determinado momento tienes que empezar a preguntarte: ‘¿Qué es realmente sexy?' No es solo la elevación de tus senos. Es estar presente y divertirte y quererte a ti mismo lo suficiente como para gustar a la persona que está contigo.
"Si yo creyera que sexy es intentar ser lo que yo era cuando hice Instinto Básico' entonces todos estaríamos teniendo un duro día hoy".
Sus palabras le sonaron huecas a otros que cuestionaron su colocación al lado de fotos desnuda, destinadas presumiblemente a vender revistas y generar publicidad. Muchos especularon que las imágenes fueron retocadas y acusaron a Stone de perpetuar estándares de belleza poco realistas.
Un lector dijo: "El problema es que las mujeres ven estas imágenes con Photoshop de la mujer y piensan que pueden alcanzarlo con cirugía plástica, láseres, e inyecciones que solo las hacen parecer peor.
Algunos críticos de medios advirtieron contra hacerla pasar por un símbolo de empoderamiento para las mujeres.

"Ella no pretende hacer una elección feminista. Ella lo dice muy claramente :'Estoy tratando de demostrar que todavía tengo lo que se necesita, y en el mundo contemporáneo de la interpretación para las mujeres, esto es lo que parece", dijo la profesora de la Universidad Occidental de Sociología Lisa Wade , que escribe sobre sexo, medios de comunicación y las cuestiones de género.
"Está utilizando la misma estrategia que ha sido un éxito para ella en toda su carrera, que es la culminación de ser una excelente actriz y venta de atractivo sexual. El artículo lo afirma muy claramente”, agregó.

Confirm that LAMIA flight had no gas when it crashed

Flight 2933 that crashed Lamia Monday near Medellin, Colombia, had no gasoline, according Freddy Bonilla, Secretary of Aviation Safety in Colombia. 
"When we arrived in the area of ​​the accident and now that we have inspected the bodies, we can say that the plane did not have gasoline," Bonilla told a press conference on Thursday.
"We started the investigation process to establish the reasons why I did not have gasoline," he added.
Under Colombian and Bolivian regulations an airplane must have enough gas reserves to be able to fly to other airports or for emergencies.
The plane had 77 people in total, among them the Brazilian team Chapecoense that went to Medellín to face Atletico Nacional by the Copa Sudamericana.
With information from Shasta Darlington and Natalie Gallon

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

Riches are the most favored by the global economic recovery, according to report

Rich people are winning the global economic recovery.
That, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), says in a new report that the poor - who have been hit hard by the financial crisis - have been forgotten in the global economic recovery.
"The fruits of economic recovery have not even been shared," the OECD said in a report released Thursday.
The organization found that the bottom 10% of wage earners in developed countries saw their real incomes decline by 16.2% between 2007 and 2010. Revenues of the top 10% fell only 4.6% over the same period.
The recovery also produced uneven results. Between 2010 and 2014 revenues of the lowest 10% only increased by 1.6% compared to the growth of 5.2% of those with the highest incomes.
The end result is more income inequality. Wages of the top 10% of those who receive the most money recovered to pre-crisis levels in 2014, while the poorest ones earned 14% less than before the crisis.
OECD information shows that the United States is one of the most inequitable countries. Twenty percent of Americans with higher incomes earn 8.7 times more than the bottom 20%.
Nordic countries such as Iceland, Norway and Denmark have the lowest levels of inequality among the developed countries group.There, 20% of the population with the most income earns about 3.5 times more than the 20% of the population that earns the least.
World leaders agree that inequity is a big problem. At the latest G20 meeting in China, leaders of the world's 20 largest economies called for more action to ensure that economic growth is inclusive.
In a separate study released last Thursday, the Institute for Fiscal Studies said earnings in the UK will not reach pre-crisis levels before 2021.
The full recovery will be further delayed by the separation of the country from the European Union after the brexit victory in June this year.

Why do the police shoot to kill in the United States?

From Ferguson (Missouri) and North Charleston (South Carolina) to Tulsa (Oklahoma) and Charlotte (North Carolina): fatal police shootings seem to be occurring with alarming regularity.
Officials sometimes have to take the decision whether or not to fire their weapon in a matter of seconds and under pressure. It's not an easy job. However, some of the people the police have killed in recent years were unarmed, which has sparked strong anger in several communities across the United States and quite a few questions.
Why did the police have to kill these people? Is there another way to control a dangerous situation that does not involve shooting someone deadly?
These questions became stronger earlier this month after the suspect of being the attacker of New York and New Jersey, Ahmad Khan Rahami, was captured alive , though wounded during a shootout with police.
To understand the officers' perspective on their use of deadly force, CNN interviewed Cedric Alexander, a well-known national police expert and a veteran police chief. Alexander was called in to review the Ferguson Police Department (Missouri), after an officer fatally shot Michael Brown in 2014. He is also currently a Police Chief in DeKalb County, Atlanta.
This is a condensed version of our conversation.
Why do not the cops shoot to hurt?
The officers are trained in "shoot to stop," which usually results in homicide, Alexander explained. The target is fixed in the center of a person's chest because it is the target most likely to hit and, in addition, will shoot down the suspect.
Even for an experienced shooter it would be difficult to give the suspect a leg or arm when there is a fast moving situation. In addition, the injured person could shoot the policeman or someone else.
Why do officers shoot so many times?
Many of the policemen carry semiautomatic pistols instead of revolvers. Two decades ago, officers were trained to fire one or two rounds of their weapons and then assess whether they needed to continue firing.
However, now police are trained to calculate the level of risk while firing, which means the officer can pull the trigger several times before the suspect falls, Alexander explained.
Why do not they take a moment to reassess the threat while the police are firing?
An armed suspect is able to return the shots if the officer pauses, the expert said. Because semi-automatic weapons carry more bullets than six bullets and are easier to recharge, the doctrine of modern police insists on continuing to fire until the security forces and the public are safe.
Why not replace weapons with Tasers?
Legally, policemen are the only ones who can open fire when they feel that their life, or that of someone else, is in danger. However, some may perceive that threat differently. Although all officers are motivated to use non-lethal weapons to subject a suspect when they consider it viable, they may also use deadly force if they believe they are facing an imminent threat of injury.
That argument could easily be dismissed in the case of Tulsa, where the man who was shot had his hands in the air. In fact, the officer has been charged with murder. However, in Charlotte's shooting the position could be more debatable because apparently the suspect had a weapon that he refused to hand over, Alexander explained. The family discusses the fact that there was a weapon.
The Tasers have a range of about 10.67 meters, which allows the police to immobilize the suspects within the same distance from many armed confrontations. However, its safe and effective use requires "a lot of training" that many department does not provide, according to the National Police Training , a website training for security forces.
There are also reservations about the improper use that sometimes are given to the Tasers, leading to abuse by officials and, sometimes, with fatal consequences, explains the website.
(David Klinger, a renowned national expert on police issues at the University of Missouri, argues that officers should only use a taser if they believe they can prevent a situation from escalating to the use of deadly force. Considers that the Taser is an option when there is a second police that can offer "lethal cover", in case the electrical device does not stop the suspect).

With information from Brandon Griggs and Eliott McLaughlin

A woman opened the emergency door of a plane and jumped

A woman opened the emergency door and jumped out of a plane when the aircraft ran a tennis Houston, alarming the other passengers aboard.
The United Airlines flight had just landed in the city of Houston (United States) from New Orleans and was headed to the landing gate of George Bush Intercontinental Airport when the incident occurred on Monday afternoon. This was reported by the airline's spokeswoman, Maddie King.
"I noticed when the door suddenly opened and a woman came out through it," passenger Hampton Friedman, who was sitting across the aisle and a short video of the open door, told CNN.

The woman, who was not identified, was treated for non-life threatening injuries. She was not charged with any charges.

Fires in Tennessee **Pictures**

Fires in Tennessee leave 3 dead; Gatlinburg is in curfew

Three people were killed amid the intense forest fires that broke out in Sevier County, Tennessee. In addition, the authorities consider the possibility of more fires during the night.
Gatlinburg fire chief Greg Miller said Tuesday that the victims were killed in different places, where the fires that began Monday were recorded. Miller also told reporters that he still does not know if there are more people dead.
"We have not been able to reach all areas," he said.
Forest fires have damaged or destroyed hundreds of buildings east and around Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge (Tennessee), tourist areas, for a pretty steep 24 hours, officials said.
"Basically, people are rushing to save their lives," said Gatlinburg Mayor Mike Werner, who apparently lost his home amid the fires, he said when he described the city scene.
Authorities added that they still do not know when residents who have been evacuated from their homes will be able to return. In addition, a curfew was imposed in Gatlinburg from 6 pm to 6 am
In addition, Werner revealed that, in many cases, the destroyed properties are next to buildings that appear to have remained intact or with very little damage.
Care services still assess the destruction left by the flames as they spread, with little warning, from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
"The ash was raining like snow," said Jonathan Fyre, who evacuated his home on Monday night with his wife and children.
Frye is a chef in Dollywood and lives a few yards from the park. He pointed out that the smoke was so thick that it prevented him from seeing clearly the carriages he had in front, when he was driving away from the flames. He added that it was possible to see the fires from the door of his house, but his property was not affected.
It seems that some of the major tourist attractions were spared from the fires, and Miller said that on Tuesday morning the worst had already happened.
On Monday morning, strong winds were pushing fires from the mountains to the most populated areas, destroying houses and businesses in the Gatlinburg area, authorities said.
Forest fires have also burned part of the southeast for weeks by the worst drought in the region in almost fed a decade .
This is what you need to know
  • It is estimated that more than 14,000 residents and visitors evacuated the Gatlinburg area, according to information from the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency. Evacuations were also ordered in other communities, including Pigeon Forge.
  • About 12 people were taken to hospitals to be cared for, most with non-fatal injuries, Miller said. Three of those with burns were referred to Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, the clinic said.
  • Among the hundreds of buildings destroyed in the area, more than 100 are from Gatlingburg, revealed Werner. That includes a 16-story hotel and an apartment complex, TEMA reported. It is estimated that another 150 structures in the counted were affected or destroyed.
  • Werner believes his house is among those that were lost by the fires. "But things can be rebuilt. The center of our city is intact and that is very good for our economy "and the future of this place, declared the mayor. "We will rebuild and continue to be the excellent tourist community that we are ... everything will be fine," he added.
  • Miller said about 14 fires were still in the city by Tuesday morning, but because the winds were reduced "the worst is definitely over."
  • The fires were on the edge of the Dollywood theme park, near Piegeon Forge, on Tuesday morning, officials said.
  • The 1,500 animals of the Ripley of the Smokies Aquarium in Gatlinburg are safe, reported the establishment on their Twitter account. However, the staff had to evacuate the place.

'Like a perfect storm'
On Monday morning, a forest fire in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park spread to nearby communities. Strong gusts of wind, up to 140km per hour, spread the flames over long distances. Thus began the different fires that were fed from the trees affected by the drought. The winds also toppled the power lines, starting new fires, Miller said.
"It was like a perfect storm , " he told Cassius Cash, superintendent of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, CNN affiliate WATE .Although it rained on Monday night was too late and too little to prevent the damage suffered by the region, because of the winds and fire.

One of the most famous attractions, the ski area and amusement park Ober Gatlingburg, seemed to be safe. However, on the road leading to the resort what used to be houses were reduced to burnt debris.
Only in some places were the bricks intact. The other parts and interiors of the houses were consumed by fire.
The cars that were parked outside suffered the same fate: his painting was reduced to ash and the tires melted. Trees plucked from their roots rested on the power lines. The smoke tinged a gloomy gray sky.
"It's absolutely devastating," said Mark Nagi of the Tennesse Department of Transportation, who posted Twitter views of the landscape in the area.

The fire also destroyed a series of buildings at Gatlinburg's Westgate Smoky Mountain Resort. On Tuesday, smoke was coming from burned cars and buildings reduced to rubble. Chris Turner posted a video of the damages on Facebook.
"It's all gone, folks," Turner pointed out, referring to a portion of the property's floor. "This was so hot it melted ... the pavement," he explained.

If you can 'evacuate immediately'
Authorities issued evacuation orders for Gatlinburg and nearby areas, including the northern tip of Pigeon Forge: "No one is authorized to be in the city at this time. If you are in Gatlinburg and you can evacuate, do it immediately, "was the instruction.

Pigeon Forge is home to Dollywood, the theme park of actress and singer Dolly Parton. There, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park authorities also evacuated guests, as the flames approached the area.
Parton said in a statement that his heart was broken by the fires and that he was "praying for all affected families." "It's a blessing that my Dollywood park, the DreamMore resort and many other businesses in Pigeon Forge are safe," he added.

Schools in Green, McMinn and Sevier counties were closed, according to the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency.About 12,000 people were without electricity this Tuesday morning at Sevier.
Some evacuation shelters were opened and about 1,300 people spent the night in the community center and park. Some residents were trembling and others needed oxygen after inhaling large amounts of smoke. All had to be accommodated in the care centers.
"We saw how a building collapsed in flames right in front of us," said one of the people who evacuated the site and was rescued by firefighters.
'It simply engulfed us'
Despite evacuation orders, some people - including guests at the Gatlinburg hotel - were not able to leave the area safely, as the fire raged on Monday night.

" I only saw flames everywhere , " said Logan Baker, a guest who was alijando in the Hotel Park Vista, CNN affiliate WATE . He published several videos in which the doors and windows of the hotel glowed with fire that was peeking out.
Baker was among the dozens of guests who could not evacuate because the trees engulfed in flames blocked the only exit road.
The fire did not reach the hotel, but the smoke did enter. Which made breathing difficult for those at the facility, Baker explained.Guests spent Monday night in the hotel lobby with masks on.
The rain could bring relief
Up to half an inch of rain fell overnight Monday and early Tuesday, which may be enough to "virtually stop the spread of fires , " Bill Gabbert, editor in chief of the portal said WildfireToday.com and former executive director of the Association International Forest Fire.
However, he said, it will not be enough to extinguish it. There are still burning logs and areas with fires that are protected by trees. In addition, it will require a strong soak to completely turn off the slats.
What could help most would be the series of storms that are expected to arrive in the area in the early hours of Wednesday and Thursday. They could fall between 2 and 3 inches of rain, meteorologist Dave Hennen told CNN.
With information from Artemis Moshtaghian, Jason Hanna, Madison Park, Sarah Aarthun, Saaed Ahmed, Amanda Wills, Keith Allen, Brandon Miller, Shawn Nottingham, David Williams, Chuck Johnston, Christine Sever, Judson Jones, Dave Alsup, Jeremy Grisham, Phil Gast And Jennifer Gray.